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Hi Dario, The date and the place of festival is the same, isn't? it? Thanks, Kasia
21-Nov-2013 Kasia_L Very bad news...Thanks!
21-Nov-2013 dario Well! I would say no! I'm still waiting for having the final decision of the governement, in order to post the information on the website. But, it is very likely that, due to unsafety, the festival will NOT be held in Timbuktu.
May I know the exact dates and venues of the Festival in the desert Scandinavian tour in Sweden and Norway scheduled for October 28 to November 03, 2013? thanks & regards :)
23-Oct-2013 marialeila Ouch, realised that it is indeed Sweden & Norway "only" :)
21-Oct-2013 marialeila I was wondering about the Scandinavian concerts as well. Does anyone have any info whether Finland would be on the map, too? Merci beaucoup and best regards!
02-Oct-2013 toubabou I've googled (and found out only) the Festival au désert in exile on Oslo World Music Festival 2013 (Oct29-Nov3):
02-Oct-2013 dario Well! so the info I have are not good! I'm going to check to see if I can find some more and reliable information
02-Oct-2013 toubabou Thank you, Dario, this would be great. Nevertheless according the website Vieux will play in November as follows: Nov02 in Oslo/Norway, Nov06 in Malmo/Sweden, Nov08 in Arhus/Denmark, Nov09 in Copenhagen/Denmark, ... While on is scheduled someone else (M. Persson) for Nov07. And on there is no info on Vieux at all. Sorry for bothering you :)
02-Oct-2013 dario What I know so far is that it will be presented by Clandestino Festival and that there will be Vieux Farka Touré. VENUE: MUSIKENS HUS, GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN 7 NOVEMBER 2013, AT 6 PM.
i`m planning on going to the festival in 2014 but have limited time.Is it possible to fly from Bamako to Timbuktu?,Air Mali appears to be shut down.Any help greatly appreciated
Travelling time Dear all. Can anyone please give me information how long approximately it takes to travel back from the festival au desert to bamako? Thank you in advance, Harpa
Hi, I want to ask about safety and security during festival. Some government still advice not to travel to Mali, especially to the north of the country. thank you for the answer! greetings, Kasia
25-Sep-2013 Kasia_L Thank you!
25-Sep-2013 dario Well, Kasia It's true that the situation in the North is still not completely secured. However, progress are constant and we do believe that by the time there will be the festival things will be much safer than it has been in the last 5 years! In any case, be assured that safety of our guests is our first concern and the main concern of malian government.

Messages from the Festival Direction

We would like to remind to all participants of this Board that trying to self organize the trip to the Festival au Désert is challenging and can be hazardous: you may end up using a car in very poor conditions, and/or with a "guide" who will cheat you. Be wise and very careful! We strongly recommend to get in touch with one of our partner travel agencies or any other well known official malian travel agency: even if you don't want to be in a group, they can help you organize your travel. What is really important is that you get in touch with reliable persons!


Hi everybody! The Message Board is open again for our next edition of the festival that will be held close to Timbuktu on the 9,10 and 11 January. Please, remember NO COMMERCIAL AND/OR PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISING.